If the Call of Duty franchise is a well-oiled machine, Black Ops III is the replacement part that keeps the wheels moving into yet another year. It introduces minor changes to an established formula, and in some aspects, this is developer Treyarch near its peak. But in other areas, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 lacks inspiration.
Treyarch has set a high bar with its contributions to the Call of Duty series. The first Black Ops introduced a twisting, engaging campaign with vivid characters and historical conspiracies. Black Ops II
revamped multiplayer customization, lending deeper player choice to a
fine-tuned competitive experience. And now there's Call of Duty: Black
Ops III, a shooter reaching in several different directions with vastly
different results.
The newest iteration of
multiplayer begins on promising note as Black Ops III's specialists
cover the screen. These are the soldiers of humanity's future, clad in
titanium alloy armor, brandishing multi-million dollar weapons. They're
also Black Ops III's new layer of customization. You still have the
traditional loadout system with 10 slots to spend on weapons, items, and
equipment--but specialists add a little more nuance.
character carries a power weapon or special ability that charge several
times over the course of a match. You're forced to choose between the
two, though, as only one can be equipped at a time. The Outrider, for
instance, can enter fights with the Sparrow compound bow, launching
exploding arrows into the enemy team's ranks. On the other hand, she can
equip the Vision Pulse ability. As a more cautious player, I preferred
this option. It reveals enemy silhouettes through the walls, giving me
and my team the drop on nearby attackers and a better sense of the
overall situation. This is even more crucial in hardcore matches when
motion sensors are absent.
Outrider is a microcosm of how the specialist system excels. That
dichotomy between power weapons and abilities--and the possibilities
they reveal--leads to dynamic scenarios from one match to the next.
Certain powers work better in specific game types, and shift momentum
when used well. And for the first several hours in Black Ops III's
multiplayer, I explored as many possibilities as I could.
that sense of discovery fades with time. Black Ops III grants you
access to four specialists out of the gate, and subsequent options
unlock at a trickle. By the time I earned Seraph and her one-shot
Annihilator handgun at level 22, her two abilities didn't offer enough
variety to keep me excited for the next unlock. And when I'm not
learning the intricacies of a new character, Black Ops III defaults to a
more generic Call of Duty experience.
The proverbial carrot still dangles on a string in front of us--it's just smaller than usual.
isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, Black Ops III's multiplayer
offers some of the best map designs in the franchise. Each arena is a
confluence of differing sightlines, hectic clash points, and diverse
elevations. The new movement system also creates an action/reaction
dynamic: you can wall run into capture points, ground slide out of
firefights, and clamber over ledges otherwise out of reach. In short,
Black Ops III is fluid. It just feels good.
its lack of variety after about 10 hours erases much of the excitement
present at the beginning. The normal experience-based progression is
still here, and the variety of unlockable weapons and equipment may be
enough to keep many players pushing forward. But it wasn't for me. The
proverbial carrot still dangles front of us--it's just smaller than
sense of continuation in the multiplayer, of maintaining a familiar
franchise balance, evaporates completely in Black Ops III's new Zombies
map, Shadows of Evil. Imagine a fictional city in the 1940s populated by
Cthulhu monsters and slipspace portals. The four characters--played by
Jeff Goldblum, Ron Perlman, Heather Graham, and Neal McDonough--round
out a hardboiled cast straight from the noir novels of Raymond Chandler.
Picture them firing augmented weapons into a crowd of shambling corpses
to the sound of a languid alto saxophone. Make no mistake: this new
take on Zombies is bizarre. It's also fantastic.
pushes things forward as four friends claw their way through hordes of
undead. There's a looming sense of mystery as you decide which doors to
unlock next, which weapons prove most effective, and what that glowing
green plant does. The difficulty is high here: I seldom made it past
round 4 in my first 10 attempts.
But Zombies,
now more than ever, is a learning experience. And seeing the tangible
results of your experience in the alleyways of this strange world is a
reward in itself. By the time I began reaching wave 20 and higher, I
felt like a veteran. There's a sense of mastery that has always come
with Zombies, and it's stronger here than ever before.

undead horde has also wandered its way into another game mode. It's
called Nightmares, and it unlocks once you've beaten the campaign. In
essence, Treyarch has recycled Black Ops III campaign missions--level
design, objectives, character animations, and all--but now with zombies,
and a grim voiceover from an unnamed character. Believe it or not, this
works. There's a slower pace to the missions here. Treyarch takes its
time to let things develop. And in reimagining the story to center
around a zombie infection, Treyarch has created something magnitudes
better than its vanilla campaign.

traditional campaign mode, however, is a chore. It's a boring crawl
through routine shooter fare. After an early torture scene--which has
become something of a staple in the Black Ops universe--you're soon
mowing through waves of enemies as you're funneled through linear
pathways on the way to your next objective. There are some deviations
from this pattern: on-rail aerial dogfights, extensive turret sequences,
and underwater escapes, to name a few. But I was on auto-pilot by the
fifth mission, settled into a continual routine of "aim, shoot, reload,
There are fleeting moments when Black
Ops III's cybernetic modifications change the way you play. These
abilities let you control enemy drones, stun human opponents, or set
fire to robots' internal systems. The powers would be more impactful,
though, if there wasn't such a lack of enemy variety. Aside from flying
drones and the occasional mech mini-boss, enemy variants just require
differing numbers of bullets to take down. And when you're using them on
such a repetitive group of targets, who react the same way every time,
the abilities lose their novelty.
By the fifth mission, I had settled into that continual routine of "aim, shoot, reload, repeat."
Black Ops III offers the option to play the campaign cooperatively, its
problems only multiply as a result. Instead of creating deeper
scenarios involving teamwork and communication between up to four
players, Black Ops III decides to just throw more hardened enemies at
you. One Warlord--an enemy that requires several magazines to bring
down--is bothersome enough. Four of them together is downright
frustrating. They feel more like brick walls than sentient soldiers.
Ops III's narrative doesn't support the campaign in any meaningful way,
either. It tells an incomprehensible story about AI ascendancy and the
moral grays of a hyper-connected future, raising intriguing questions
but never bothering to answer them. At the end of it all, after hours of
soulless shooting and unremarkable storytelling, Black Ops III
delivered its nebulous twist, and I didn't dwell on it.
its undead modes, and the first 10 hours of multiplayer, it excels. But
in its campaign, it merely crawls forward. Black Ops III doesn't offer
anything remarkable to the series, but does just enough to maintain the
Call of Duty status quo. The franchise, however slowly, continues its
inexorable march.
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