Just imagine a gadget which is just kept beside your bed or in the living room which gives you all the updates such as the weather, emails, Facebook notifications, calendar events, tweets, followers, news, deadlines and any other metric needed for your home or business and most importantly tells Time! Boom the last one was the game changing, mind blowing application :P.

Jokes apart this LaMetric Time Wi-Fi Clock for Smart Home is by far my
favorite clock. Yes, you read it correctly, I said clock! There are tons of application for this clock. I'm sure this won't disappoint you. I highly recommend this product as it has a bunch of applications and the best part is that it is super-customizable and feels and looks great.
favorite clock. Yes, you read it correctly, I said clock! There are tons of application for this clock. I'm sure this won't disappoint you. I highly recommend this product as it has a bunch of applications and the best part is that it is super-customizable and feels and looks great.
The Product is currently available on amazon for 199$ and extra shipping charges may apply. To buy this Product click here